Sunday, August 28, 2011

(Un-) Welcome to BootyBurger

Spitz: Welcome to BootyBurger, can I take your order?

Lester: (BUMP).......(BOOOOOM)......(BUMP)......(BA-BOOOOOOOOM)......

Spitz: Hello?

Lester: Give me a BootyBuster special (BA-BOOOOOOM), and a (BUMP) large (BA-BOOOOOOOOM)

Spitz: Lester, you can't be here man, they'll call the cops.

Lester: No way man, I'm not (BA-BOOOOOOOM), (TICK-TICK) just fired. (BUMP - BOOOOOOOOM) 

Police Officer: Excuse me sir could you pull over and step out of the vehicle.