Monday, March 28, 2011

If Scientology did it, I can do it too.....

Private Message Exchange.....

Father Lester: Dood. I'm not a real priest. I have one of those Internet minister's certificate, but I'm not sure if it's legal for marriage. It's got the RamCo seal of approval, and an official signature, so it's good.

Camisa Roja: It's perfect. I don't want legal marriage, just a spiritual bond type marriage. I'm going to file documents to be a Church, and the Trorg are out gathering enough slaves, I mean followers that we can qualify. 

Father Lester: You're wasting your time trolling IoMP for followers, they're pretty resilient to standard tactics.

Camisa Roja: Standard tactics aren't up for discussion, my fat little hacker friend. The Trorgs have been cooking up some fresh new tactics to squash those free-thinking IoMP types. 

Say how'd you wrangle out of that dragnet? You post regularly on that one community that was pulled down. 

Father Lester: My lawyer's said not to talk about it. Like Fight Club.

Camisa Roja:  O.o