Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Video released by the GPC.....

Release through unknown channels by the GPC.....

A message from the Gimp Pimp Commander.....

Posted on Curb Feelers, Isle of Misfit Posters, and Phuzzy Pheelings.....

Ruffled Feathers: Dear childrens, it is my duty to inform you that the largest trolling armada ever assembled is being mobilized to crush all in it's path. By the order of the Gimp Pimp Commander, you are hereby notified that we will pillage your forums, ravage your accounts, email you pictures of our deformed genitalia, and otherwise make your Interwebz existence unpleasant in ways you haven't even thought of yet.

You're only hope is to swear allegiance to the Gimp Pimp Corps, and it's mighty overlord and master, the Gimp Pimp Commander. All hail his majesty, Moneyshot.

Moneyshot: (HIC) s'right bishes. So schuck my lily white ass. (HIC)(SLAM)