Thursday, December 9, 2010

LaTigra purposes a throwdown.....

Posted on Curb Feelers,
Isle of Misfit Posters & Phuzzy Pheelings.....

LaTigra: Attention malcontents and nonsensical fuckwits. Some people have helped me establish the ultimate forum debate resolution.... Tomb of Excrement. Come to the Tomb, and throw all of the feces you want at each other, keeping your viral filth out of the path of rational discourse.

Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Earthboi Onus: If no one threw feces here, not much would be posted.


Posted on Isle of Misfit Posters.....

Gus: Bisches it's scho on you have no idea. Whersh's my beer? (HIC)

Posted on Phuzzy Pheelings.....

Yo-Yo: Pulease. No one is throwing feces here bitch. Go fuck yourself with a rusty pipewrench!

LaTigra: Classy.

Insane Slut picks a fight.....

Posted on Phuzzy Pheelings.....

MAC: So I was thinking it would be cool if we upgraded the front, more like the new software and it'll let us ban people from our cell phones!

DeBon: I'll give it a look later when I get done working at the club. You're going to upgrade it anyhow, so just go ahead and do it if you want. I'll be in later to post an update. There's 3 or 4 ladies who need some of the Bon tonight, if you catch what I'm sayin'.

Insane Slut: MAC you fucking twisted little peckerfreckle. I know that's your alt trolling over on Curb Feelers showing his tiny little prick to anyone who's dumb enough to click the link. I've told you before that no one cares about your prick, because they're too busy looking at my shear awesomeness. So put it back in your pants and log in as yourself, like a man (well as close as you can get little boy).

Ruffled Feathers: Dear children, must we insist on this insufferable fighting all of the time? It's so immature. You're acting like a bunch of useless twats and it's reflecting poorly on the board. Go back to Curb Feelers with that trash, this place is civilized, and joy-joy. Bitch!

DeBon: Yeah let's tone it down their Insane. There's no proof KAM is MAC and MAC is KAM. You're being overtly annoying.

MAC: Yeah. My bitch has spoken Slut. Open your greasy mouth again and I'll have it shut for you. Enough is enough.

Insane Slut: You haven't heard the last of me. I'll get you my pretties, and your little pricks too. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH (POOF)

For-uhm Boredz: What's being said?

Now on youtube.....

Frodo weighs in.....

Posted on Isle of Misfit Posters.....

Frodo: All of you that have migrated here suffer from a massive inferiority complex. Your unwillingness to subject yourselves to the constant torment, humiliation, false accusations and ongoing stalking demonstrates your lack of a back bone. It's no wonder you all aren't locked up in a funny farm somewhere, crying about your imaginary victim's complex. As if. Get some sex. Motion Lotion is your friend.

Hagatha: You know, when I was shooting scenes for the world's largest salad tossing competition a few years back, Don Jerry told me that you can never have too much motion lotion in your buttcrack. Turns out he was right.

Insane Slut: While I agree on the motion lotion, what does this have to do with me? ME ME ME. That's all we talk about here, fuck off with the rest. Here, Curb Feelers, Phuzzy Pheelings, all of you need to bow down and lick the back of my taint. LOOK HOW AWESOME I AM!

BMB: This shit is whack yo.

Forken: Word Big Money. More assholes for the suckfest.

Skeksis: AGREE AGREE AGREE... wait, I lost track of what I am agreeing with. FUCK YOU HAIRY LEGGED BITCHES!!!!!!! I'm not reading this shit anyway!!!!!!!!!! GAAAAAAAAAH!

Ruffled Feathers: I should have won that competition too but those judges were just too imature and childish. Useless cunts, the lot of them. Anyway I'm off to Lesters I'll be back later.

BMB: He's off to the suckfest.
Totally whack dog.

The plot is working? Which plot?

Private message exchange.....

Dirty Sanchez: So super silly sauce, my plan is working, those alts of yours are really starting to consuzzle the sweettits on Isle. I didn't know you were going to make some on all of the boards though, that's super clever. Now I know why I let you wear my leash. Sizzlebunns.

MAC: What are you talking about? I have yet to unleash my alt armada. I've been preparing and lurking for the right time to strike. Duhsure has such a huge hard-on for me it's ridiculous. That'll teach me to post pictures of my junk.

I know I should have been a porn star, but the people here at Wahoo Interwebz were in deperate need of my mediocre technical skills. So what could I do?

Dirty Sanchez: Well let's kick it in gear schmoozy poo. My patience is about as short as Lester's twinkiewink and when it runs out it'll be like Jesus's crutch was taken by a blind homeless MMA fighter all lubed up and pounding the hell out of everyone with his humongous stick of devastation..... ooooo I'm getting all sweaty now. I'll deal with Lester later. Cold shower time..... toodles.

Hatemail.... mmmmmm good.....

Posted on Isle of Misfit Posters.....

Buffy: I just wanted to share some email I got from an 'anonymous' person.

"FUCK YOU and your stupid drawings hairy legged bitch!"

On hitting the reply button for laughs, in the replyto field is 'anonymous' LilyAnne.

Ahhhhh classic.

What's up at Lesters?

Posted on Curb Feelers....

Dr. Scott: Listen you stupid bitch, I did you a favor by letting you speak here again so that I could gather my mob and get back to insulting, berating, and pissing on you for the fun of it.

Yo-Yo: AHAHAHAHAHA You tell that fat bitch baby. Hurry up and get this done though I wanna watch you guys on the cams later.... wooooooohooooo!

Dr. Scott: Will you keep that quiet please.

PEACE: LaTigra, as long as you keep posting the truth, I'm going to reply with walls of text containing horseshit, to distract people form what's really going on. That way they get bored and wander off.
Get it? Good!

Ruffled Feathers: LaTigra you're such a useless cunt why don't you fuck off back to your board child?

LaTigra: I guess you're all too stupid to realize you're upset about someone being stalked that wasn't being stalked. I know you're all stupid, but come on... I mean... that stupid?

LilyAnne: STOP coming in here with all of that truth and logic you bitch! I"m getting real sick of all the people coming to this board and telling the truth. This board was built on lies and psychosis and has NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUTH!

BMB: LilyAnne STFU. Daymn yo. Fucking puppet the mob and mash that agree button bitch. Don't actually say anything useful. Shit dog, fuck off already.

Duhsure: Doc I got the Squirting Head let's finish this crap and get over to Lesters for the party. I got some extra astroglide too.

Dirty Sanchez: Did someone say
assstroglide? Yumm-o.

Ruffled Feathers: I can still bring my cape right?


The duckman returneth.....

Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Ruffled Feathers: Dear children, I have returned to grace you all with my presence, and hopefully shed some maturity on this playpen of poopyheads. I might begin by saying that having KAMs man junk spread over my browser was pretty juvenile. I stopped showing random people my genitals months ago.

KAM: Yeah whatever people like to check out the KAMster. I have so many hits on my KAMster's Kreepy page it makes Cane East jealous. Antman knows what I'm talkin about don'tcha big guy?

Antman: -_O

Yo-Yo: I had trouble getting connected so I could deny looking at it. Must be IE. I was going to use a better browser but TekTyme with BigDawg said IE was the megabomb.


KAM: Yeah my website doesn't really support IE because too many people were complaining that my man biznass was taking up their whole screen, so it's better to view it in a browser that let's you zoom out and see all of the KAMster. ;)

Pope Lester: Ok we get it, your genitals are fun to look at. Great. No answer my PMs damnit or I'll cornhole your naked ass.

Dirty Sanchez: Am I missing the super sexy party? I've got some extra lube and a bag of toys. I wanna play with you sillies. Send me a link to that smokin hot site of yours toddlewinks.

KAM shares more of himself with Curb Feelers.....

Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Yo-Yo: You know, we could all do without your nude pictures being posted KAM. No one's interested in seeing you all sprawled out and covered in mayonnaise.

I totally saved that shit to my harddrive.
You know, just in case you take it down
before the admin sees it. Pervert.

KAM: Aww whatever everyone likes to look at my sexy man biznass. PM me and we'll get on the Cam Lily, you kooky little angermuffin.

Introducing Frodo: Phuzzy Pheelings Armchair Counselor.....

Frodo: Phuzzy Pheelings Armchair Counselor.....

Frodo likes to to analyze every posted word. He will lurk in waiting, and then step into a debate to drop his hobbyist diagnosis', waiting for approval like E.F. Hutton had spoken...
everyone should be a listenin'.

Frodo takes an unkind position on being the subject of his own tactics however. Try to give back some of what you were dealt might get you more than you bargained for. Rogaine is a sore spot for Frodo, the civil suit is still pending so he can't speak about it.

Caring less who is being buttsurfed by the mob, Frodo rather enjoys stirring the pot, and is quick to retreat when the tables are flipped. The shirt? We don't talk about the shirt. Ever.