Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Vanilla made the costumes....

Private Message Exchange.....

Vanilla: Don't they look great? I think the blue works really well with our scary, mean people theme.

Perish: I'm not sure this is what we had in mind. This doesn't really scream, SCARY EVIL DRAGONLADY, as much as I had imagined.

LilyAnne: AGREED! Jesus we're going to look like fools. How am I supposed to take a dump on their lawn in this thing? There's not even snaps on the bottom.

Heirolip: I rather like them, they're fuzzy and soft. Plus I made the flyers and tee shirts already.

Perish: Damnit Heirolip.

Velcome to the HQ.....

Overheard on vent.....

Insane Slut: No that's the deal. You can stay in the basement and live in your refrigerator box but you have to wear the leather thong under your cape and handle the manslave duties.

Blahd: Thong? Aww come on. How can I be a scary vampire guy in a thong? 

Insane Slut: That's the deal. Put on the panties, answer the door, fetch the drinks, and anything else we ask, or pack your candles and the Casio you call a pipe organ and GTFO!