Sunday, February 27, 2011

Damn you kids get off my lawn!!!!!!!!

Posted on Isle of Misfit Posters.....

Oscar Oldbie: Those stupid people over at Isle of Misfit Posters stole my chickens. You bastards need to stop crapping on my lawn. Just because BigMoney was hittin' my bitch back in the day, doesn't mean he's still hittin' it. Jesus with both feet in his mouth on Christmas.

Forken: Um.... are you sure you're on the right board?

Oscar Oldbie: GET OFF MY LAWN. Aww dammit this is the wrong board. I don't like posting here cause they make me read and stuff. Bah. Damn kids.

What is Larry up to now?

Private Message Exchange.....

Dr. Scott: Did ye ken larry was ower oan isle ay misfit posters? gart an accoont an' is postin' oan th' regular?

BigDawg: Yeah I knew he was there, I just don't know why. He's gone off the deep end. Is he trying to prod that crazy bitch into totally ruining this place? It's bad enough those three harpies have taken to thrashing anyone and everyone who comes to Feelers, and is poking and prodding at every little thing posted on IoMP. I have to find a way to get rid of those bitches. Maybe we can probe them for eyeball assault?

Dr. Scott:Larry will hang ye by th' balls fur probin' his bitches.

BigDawg: I'm getting sick of that fuckface anyhow. What's he gonna do? Throw beer cans at me over the Internet? Haha. 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The return of BigMoney B.....

Posted on Isle of Misfit Posters.....

BMB: Yo whassup in dis bitch?

Forken: Same old shit. We're having a ball while random crazies come and go. 

BMB: Dat drunken doorknob dryhumper Larry finally bailed out, at least in public. Anyone seen dat bitch Lester? I need to dikscuss some biznass with him and he's not answerin' my emails.

Forken: Probably in hiding. Maybe the FBI finally got him? Probably bought one too many Guy Fawkes masks. 

BMB: Heh. He likes duh masks. Dis one time, back in the day, he got pissed drunk and went running around with a Roddy Piper mask rubbing his junk all over the furniture. Took 4 cops, 2 tazers and a beartrap to bring his dumb ass down. Dat waz duh shit.

A meeting of the hiveminds.....

Private chatroom exchange.....

Perish: This is bullshit. That bitch Buffy knows I'm reading every word they've written. How the hell does she know? I bet she's the actual leader of that bastardized cult of loons. Now they've managed to lure over the cool posters, and we don't have SHIT going on. No one will fucking play with us anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LilyAnne: I did my best. I pissed off just about everyone who posted against me this week. I think my verison of crazy is finally becoming useless. They are numb to my insanity.

Vanilla: No one is immune to your insanity sweetie, we just have different levels of coping. I for one don't know what you're all in a tizzy about, those loons can have each other. I mean, who wants to be over there anyhow. All that open discussion and no one to wrangle in the free thinkers. I like it here where it's safe and Larry is protecting us all.

Perish: Ahh christ, it's my night in the cage. Looks like I better go find my leotard.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mommy, it's not fair.....

Deep inside the basement lair of Lester's Moms.....

Father Lester: It's not fair. First that stupid Larry can't even make that crazy bitch go away. Then I almost get busted hacking the board. Then I get my admin powers taken away. And now the Gay Cluster-fuck Crew® is going to shove in on my action. Who's going to be afraid of the Prancing Pastel Pansies®?

The Electronic Evil Empire® was in full swing long before these leather-clad, spandex having tankers were in play. I bet they sit around punching themselves in the nuts just for fun. I have to stop them before they wreck the remainder of my hard work.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Video released by the GPC.....

Release through unknown channels by the GPC.....

A message from the Gimp Pimp Commander.....

Posted on Curb Feelers, Isle of Misfit Posters, and Phuzzy Pheelings.....

Ruffled Feathers: Dear childrens, it is my duty to inform you that the largest trolling armada ever assembled is being mobilized to crush all in it's path. By the order of the Gimp Pimp Commander, you are hereby notified that we will pillage your forums, ravage your accounts, email you pictures of our deformed genitalia, and otherwise make your Interwebz existence unpleasant in ways you haven't even thought of yet.

You're only hope is to swear allegiance to the Gimp Pimp Corps, and it's mighty overlord and master, the Gimp Pimp Commander. All hail his majesty, Moneyshot.

Moneyshot: (HIC) s'right bishes. So schuck my lily white ass. (HIC)(SLAM)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Inside a GPC training session.....

Posted in a Private Chatroom.....

Moneyshot: I was tryin' to think of stuff we can do to beef up for maximum trolling prowess (love that calendar). You're not anywhere near me, or we could get piss drunk and punch each other in the privates. But since we can't, we'll have to get drunk on Vent and punch ourselves in the privates.

TheTinyBuzzer: OH YEAH! BRING IT ON! Wait, how is punching ourselves in the privates going to help?

Moneyshot: DAMNIT Yoraz will you just fucking do what yer told. I'm the boss and I said we're punching ourselves in the privates.

Ruffled Feathers: We could get someone else to come over and punch us in the privates? What if my sister punches me in the privates? Does that count? 

Moneyshot: DAMNIT! I don't care who punches you in the privates. Why do you guys have to always go and wreck mah shit like that? Damn!

The puppets are in play, my lord.....

Private Message Exchange.....

MAC: Larry has decided to create a league of pastel clad circle-jerkers, At least two people have totally gone insane and the Manson wives are in full swing, dragging random acquaintances from various places to post faux rage comments in support of their cause. It's perfect, master.

Dirty Sanchez: And what about our super stealthy sleeper agent? Have we activated Mr. Twisteynips yet? 

MAC: Yes, sire. Mr. Twistynips is in full operation. He took control of the construct earlier and posted the random gibberish you gave me to distract the IoMP crew from the impending trolling armada. 

Dirty Sanchez: Sexy. Very, very sexy. Who's daddy's sweet yum yum pants? 

Yoraz snags the Interview.....

Conference Room at the W.A.N.G. studio.....

Robert Switfly: Good evening Yoraz, my name is Robert Switfly, and this is tonight's interview. Let's start with why you entered wrestling.

Yoraz: Well Robert, I like to be naked alot, and greasing myself up so I can wrangle with other guys is what I wanted to do, but I don't have the gear to be a porn-star so I went this route instead. Plus it's easier on the back door if you know what I'm saying.

Robert Swiftly: -.O

What about an HQ?

Private chat room exchange.....

TheTinyBuzzer: Now that we have a cool name, shitloads of meth, beer, and  sweet ass costumes, what about a lair?

Moneyshot: We don't need an HQ this is the Internet you STUPID ASS! We do need a charter though. Rules for all of the other Gimp Pimp Corps members to live by. Something like the armed forces manual meets the bible but with all of the crap about morals and ethics taken out and the bullshit knob cranked up a bit.

TheTinyBuzzer: So, our charter is to be crazy, ignorant, out of control shitheads? 

Moneyshot: Something like that.

Ruffled Feathers: This sounds like a hoot. I'm so in. 

Fear not, Curb Feelers, the GPC is on the scene.....

Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Moneyshot: Listen up bitches. I may not be technically running shit anymore, but I'm still runnin' shit. Ya dig? So from here on out, when those IoMP fuckweasels get aggro, the Gimp Pimp Corps is set for action. We'll be protecting your right to be an asshole.

So far, it's just me, now named Moneyshot, and my sidekick, The Tiny Buzzer, but we're taking apps. You have to provide references, and take a whole Squirting Head like a man.

TheTinyBuzzer: Yo bitch, why I gotta be your sidekick? Just cuz I wax my chest? You're not getting a reach around later. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Didn't you start all this?

Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Yoraz: Don't we look stupid for starting a big fight and then getting all lame when we're losing? 


Vanilla: NO!



A For-uhm Boredz Public Service Announcement

Dear For-uhm Boredz readers,

We appreciate all of the traffic you bring to our site. In addition, we enjoy all of the wonderful emails, comments, suggestions, and of course, life wouldn't be complete without the occasional (hah) hatemail.

However, we here at Foruhm-Boredz feel that we would be remiss in our duties as people, if we didn't provide some sort of response to the fresh batch of hatemail we recently received, centered around an issue some believe to be 'beaten to death like an aids infected camel', to quote one For-uhm Boredz fanatic.

Readers who experience an elevation in blood pressure, temperature, anxiety, or generally experience discomfort during the partaking of the humor contained in this blog, or our sister blog, Life Inside the Net, should consider either not partaking in the content, or perhaps having it filtered for them by another reader, who can better understand your illness.

We would be saddened if any of our readers were to experience a coronary condition, aneurism, sudden loss of consciousness due to elevated blood pressure, or any other discomfort while reading our blog.

If you should decide to continue to partake, despite any pre-existing conditions which might be impacted when viewing satire aimed at making peoples behavior as obvious as possible, so people can ridicule them as they deserve, then we feel obligated to let you know that we can take no responsibility for your health and safety while doing so.

For-uhm Boredz does not recommend reading this blog while standing, driving, or doing anything or value (especially if you're suppose to be working, you know who you are......busted!).


Bambee Pelous and the For-uhm Boredz Crew

I see your true colors, shining through.....

Private Message Conference.....

Heirolip: Nice job Earhtboi. Why would you do something so stupid? It's bad enough Oscar posted that stuff from Plunk. Now I have to scrub it and then there's gonna be an uproar..... "Why did you edit that?". Damnit man.

Earthboi: Wait, didn't you quit? And where's that wonderful disposition you usually have? 

Heirolip: Wow, you're new here aren't you? Do you read any of the staff messages? It's an act, appletard. This whole thing is a staged drama to drag in people., IoMP is kicking my, I mean our asses and I need to make sure we turn this around. So suck it up or get out!

Earthboi: You can't do that I'll out you? 

Heirolip: So help me if you don't sit down and shut the fuck up I'll have Lester find you and I'll come over there to sit you down. You'll wish you'd never crossed me you little green prick.

Privacy? HAH..... what's that?

Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Oscar Oldbie: I don't know what he's puffing his chest up about, look at the shit his ex said on Plunk.....

"Everyone who likes Camisa can die in a fire. I'm kicking you off my list because he's a sucky pile of doucher."


Camisa Roja: You guys are just lame bullies. Losing a fight and you drag other people into it. Anyone who wants to find me can email me. 

Earthboi Onus: If you want to spam him his email is