Monday, December 27, 2010

Yes, yes..... I'm coming just WAIT a second!

After dinner, in the basement.....

Pope Lester: Members will not share the secret society materials with others outside of the inner circle. While nothing we do is wrong, it's illegal in all 50 of the states and therefore you are subject to harassment and (wrongful) prosecution if anyone who subscribes to those opposing beliefs discovers your association with our group.

It is imperative to ensure you have adequate information about anyone you wish to share membership with, on the off chance they reject the idea, so that you can keep them from turning you into legal agencies (this is legally blackmail, but we like to call it friendly persuasion).

Lester's MOM: Frank get upstairs for dinner I'm tired of calling you.

Pope Lester: Mawm, don't use my real life name when my vent is on! Jeez.

Lester's MOM: Stop sitting around with your vents open sweetie someone will see your twig and berries.

Pope Lester: Mom it's voice chat not cameras I only do the camera thing after you've gone to bed because you keep walking in on me. I'll be right there!!!!

Lester's MOM: Aww ok sweetie. I made you and that nice boy with the mask some sammwichez, they're on the table. I'm going to watch my news program before bedtime. Night sweetie.

Lester gets some snail mail.....

Somewhere in a dark basement... overheard on vent.....

Pope Lester: Aww sweet, my membership packet is here finally. HAH, Love the sticker I'm gonna have to put this on the back of my Pacer. But not before I scan it and post it on Isle ahaha. I'll make an alt and jab at LaTigra. Teach that bitch to fuck with me.

Larry: Hah yeah dat's funny. I like 'at sticker can I get one? I love bears. I'll be back, I need to get another Squirting Head. Last one busted all over my lap damnit!.

Dr. Scott: Ye cannae post those stickers ower thaur. Whit if someain finds it they're yoors? 'en they'll fin' it we're involved wi' ye an' it's aff tae th' pokey wi' us. Keep em in yer dresser drawer wi' yer porn loch Ah dae.


Pope Lester: Shaddup gimp bitch -( CLANK )- That AzzKlown guy messaged me about the gay pr0n. I can't tell if he's trolling me or not. Anyhow I sent him some links. We'll see how it turns out.

-( CLICK )-

Friday, December 24, 2010

Follow the Butthurt Tracker, exclusively on GotVirtual.....

Bored with nothing to do while you wait for Santa to bring you your loot? Follow the Butthurt tracker, exclusively on, where you can find chat and exclusive For-uhm Boredz content for your entertainment.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays - For-uhm Boredz Crew

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Holidays and Happy Christmas!!!!!

From all of us at For-uhm Boredz, we wish you and yours an amazing holiday filled with wonderful experiences, joyous memories, and fond encounters with friends, family, and loved ones. Be careful not to stuff yourself too full at the dinner table, who wants to log more hours at the gym right?

Sincerest Wishes,

Bambee Pelous
Creator of For-uhm Boredz: Cartoons Drawn in the Dark

(& the anonymous contributors)

We bring you our First Christmas Video, now posted on YouTube - 'Not Quite Christmas'. Ho-ho-ho!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

For-uhm Boredz Ep One PDF - Now available at GotVirtual!

You can grab the first edition of For-uhm Boredz: Cartoons Drawn in the Dark Ebook at GotVirtual. We'll be posting them as we create them, the plan is to encapsulate each 100 panel section into a new volume of the ebook series, and make them available at gV.

So, if you're not already a member, drop on by, grab the ebook, and if you register you can chat with the creators of For-uhm Boredz, as well as have access to exclusive content, such as previews and extras we only release on gV.

Enjoy the blog, we sure enjoy creating it.

Bambee Pelous - Creator, For-uhm Boredz: Cartoons Drawn in the Dark

Monday, December 20, 2010

Introducing Mastery: Phuzzy Pheelings Pick-up 'Expert'.....

Mastery is knowledgeable in the fine art of dropping cheesy pick-up lines, working the comb-over, dressing in attire he bought at the auction for Saturday Night Fever props, dousing himself in the latest men's magazine inserts, and a little slight of hand helps get those ruffies his latest target's glass.

Make sure you buy your own drinks around his guy, and don't share a cab.

Introducing AzzKlown: Phuzzy Pheelings troublemaker.....

AzzKlown hangs around to interject what he considers to be lulz. Whether or not it's actually amusing, is usually irrelevant. Generally the most inappropriate, off the wall stuff flies from his keyboard, webcam, or any other input device he can find to warp into some sort of asshattery.

Don't ask about balloon animals, just... don't... ask.

Introducing Ray Sunshine: Phuzzy Pheelings regular.....

Ray was never very cool as a kid. Taking names when the teacher was absent, offering to be hall monitor, and telling his mother when you picked on him were standard modus operandi for Ray. He could run his ass off on the track though, and years later it landed him a job coaching HS sports at a backwards school that time forgot.

Don't call him Opie, if you know what's good for you.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

I'll make you Gargle it.....

Private message exchange....

Yo-Yo: Did you tell me to Gargle this? You're being a total fuckwit lately. I've been doing all of the alt work on my own, you didn't even help me with those pictures, and now someone found out they're not real. Fucker!

Dr. Scott: Yoo're damn reit Ah tauld ye tae gargle it. Aam boak ay bein' yer wee huir. Ye awreddy hae me neck deep in th' lester jobby. He fucked us aw ower an' ye gart me back heem e'en thocht Ah didne want tae.

Yo-Yo: That's right. Lester deserves our support we can't let him fry for this just because he's stupid. He didn't mean to get caught. It was an accident. If he hadn't gotten caught he'd still be trying to hack the board, the people, and this wouldn't be an issue.

Dr. Scott: He's nae supposed tae be hackin' th' board an' other fowk ye numbskulled twitterpated packmule. Wa dae ye gie anither facelift an' hae yer boobs dain afair yer nipples catch fire frae th' friction.

Chirp..... chirp.... chirp.... chirp.....

Private messaging exchange.....

DeBon: Man this place has been totally dead. Not as bad as Feelers, but we're not cornholing our users on a regular basis. Maybe I should start getting shitfaced and taking Quaaludes and then spending 24 hours cursing and jumping up and down like a 2 year old who didn't get more candy.

MAC: That won't work people are sick of that shit. I'll just post up more picture of that guy's cock I have been passing off as my own, and people will come in droves.

We need to get that Dirty Sanchez guy over here or something and get some real drama going. Have you finished the bears for the Tomb challenge coming up?

MAC: Sort of. I have the first two done but I can't get the lube dispenser to work on the one, and I am waiting for more aquanet cans to finish The Flamer.

DeBon: Tight. That's gonna be the mega-super-bomb.

MAC: Whatever. Just remember to come over here later and thank me the usual way.

They have better buttons..... and awards!!!!!!!

Posted on Curb Feelers....

LilyAnne: What's up with this shit. I don't have a LIKE button over here. Check this out....

"Forken has 2,345 Likes"
"Buffy has 2,234 Likes and 1,456 Awards"

We don't have AWARDs EITHER! WTF. This is total BULLSHIT. They leave our forum and go make a better one and I can't even post over there without using my alt because I'm too big of a fucking whiner. Damnit!

Yo-Yo: Scott you didn't tell me about that aluminum I-find stuff. Now they know that picture I posted was Gargled.

Dr. Scott: Ahh whatever ye insane auld bat yoo're pissin' me aff noo. Gargle thes.

Insane Slut: Waaay off track here. There's no mention of me anywhere on that other place, I really want to talk about that. I think I deserve an entire thread about me alone. This needs to be rectified.

Dr. Scott: Gang rectifiy thes ye batshit a bampot loon. Wa dorn't ya ride aff a cliee oan a Llama wi' 'at other a bampot fanny.

Can't you just let it drop?

Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Yo-Yo: I don't understand why there's still bullshit about this. We're over it, why can't you little whores get over it? It's not like we spend all day, making lame ass alts, crawling over your community and posting ridiculous crap about lame conspiracies, frothing at the mouth when your members draw cartoons laughing at how totally fucking stupid a handful of 'human beings' can get.

Let it drop already. Everyone is totally aware that Curb Feelers is full of half-witted, angry little drunkiemuffins with nothing better to do than sit around growing more wrinkles and lowering the intelligence quotient of the Internet as a whole.


Caged Gimp: Hello? Safeword? Anyone?

The B.A.T. is in the house.....

To help mitigate issues with the building Butthurt, we have created the Butthurt Action Team, or B.A.T. for short.

B.A.T. is on tap to respond during instances of elevated or stronger concentrations of Butthurt. Only the

best Butthurt can become part of the B.A.T. Many Butthurt have tried, and failed.

It's settled, we totally suck ass.....

As Larry works feverishly with his new gadget....

Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Spitz: HAHA you're bored sucks so much you all die in fire screaming.

Forken: What do you expect from a board run by drunks, idiots and wannabe hacker types. Even the stupidest of posters will eventually figure it out, sooner or later this place will be a wasteland, probably sooner.

Larry: I'm rather proud of myself, in the last few weeks I've driven every decent poster from the board with my shithead antics. Lester hacking the board was just the icing on the cake, and of course it helped that no one listened to facts because they hate that bitch and wanna suck on my tallywhacker. (HIC)(BURP)

Dirty Sanchez: You better be careful patting yourself on the back silly, you might break your arm and then you'll have nothing to flog it with, sweet-pants-of-yummy.

Pope Lester: WTF. I DIDN'T hack the board Larry you stupid drunken redneck puke.

Dr. Scott: Ahh shutup Lester it's auld. A' fowk knows ye did it sae piss aff.


Insane Slut: I can't believe anyone would go post on that crybaby board. Those fucking useless bastards should have stayed here like adults and taken all of the wanton abuse, lies, and stupidity which continues.

That's what it's always been about, why wake up now and leave? Besides, I am still here and that's the only reason to post her anyway, to bask in the glory that is me.


Yo-Yo: I'm glad all of those posters defected to that other place. Now it's nice and quiet here so I don't have to spend all day reading so much crap. Reading makes my head hurt, 'specially when there's big words and stuff. (HIC)(GURGLE)(HIC)

BMB: Larry the only way to save this place dog is for you to cap yo'self and give this bitch to someone who won't rape it into the ground. Even then dog, I think you pissed in to many cereal bowls to get anyone decent back. I'm the fuck up outta here mostly anyhow, just droppin by to tell you what a whack bitch you are. Peace.,

Heap-bay has the best shit.....

Larry: Hmm. This looks like it'll do the job. I'll get two just in case.