Friday, February 11, 2011

The Manson wives feel slighted.....

Posted on Curb Feelers....

Heirolip: I realize Larry pissed all over people yet again. But, does that mean we can't pick ourselves up and give everyone a nice hug? Where would we be without.....

Perish: Oh shut up you hippie bitch. I love Larry. My fantasy has always been for a drunken, methed out jobless truck-driver to take me like a wild dog.Lording over Feelers with his enormous E-peen makes me wish I didn't have my vagina sewn shut so many years ago. 

After that bitch refused to stop smoking grass and start addicting herself to the narcotics I insisted she take, being an armchair psych type and all, I only let it bother me 23 of my 24 hour day. Why can't she laugh when people make threats to find her and smack her around? That shit's funny. I wish someone would show up and slap me with a dick, I sure could use it. 

Aside from the hundreds of posts I've made seething in hatred at that bitches sheer audacity to question my ego, it's ridiculous. It's been a whole 12 hours since I posted about her.... can't she let it go?

She think's she's too cool for school, but guess what Buffy, you aren't. You better just watch your back bitch, because one day when you're not looking, I'll still be here whining like a dried up old windbag. 

Vanilla: Who's Camisa talking about? They can post over here all they want. Just because we'll edit their posts, and the administration is on our side, doesn't mean it's not a fair discussion. Jeez, we need those people to help support our weak intellects, it's not our fault IoMP has so much brain power.