Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Larry: Yeah so what if I locked out yer control panels. It's my fucking place. I can do whatever the fuck I want. I'll ban people, change their settings, post as if I was them, read your PMs, let a group of half assed wankers run the place and fuck you in the ass with a 40oz Keystone if you don't like it. (HIC)(GURGLE)(BAAARF)

Earthboi Onus: I think what Larry means is that people should just relax and allow the admins time to resolve the issue, whatever it might be. I'm not sure it's confirmed what's happening at the moment.

Larry: What's happening is I'm taking a big fat shit all over this place. Because I can, I want to, and go fuck yourself martian boy! Why don't you get in your rocketship and blast off to your Anus. uh-huh. huh-huh huh-huh huh. (HIC)(HIC)

Peace: Isn't Larry such a lovable drunk. You do your thing Larry, don't let anyone bother you.

Larry: Who asked you bisch. Isn't there a horseshow you should be entered into somewhere? All day long it's fling shit at Larry, fling more shit at Larry. For years and years everyone is always flinging shit at Larry. Can't you guys take a fucking joke? All of you fuckers are way too up your own asses. (HIC) So fuck off and fuck off (HIC)