Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Spitz: It's not like I wish death on people, but if you all crashed in the same airplane that wouldn't be a bad thing. Most of you look like there's cocks coming on your heads. Lots of people will thanks when you die.

LilyAnne: isleosmisfitposters.rad

Peace: This place is so awesome. I don't know why you would want to leave Curb Feelers. It's so much fun to hang around and shove your nose in Larry's asscrack while they fuck with your account and harass anyone who has anything interesting to say. I love a place where hackers run free, it makes things so much more exciting.

Earthboi Onus: I thought you had a suicide bombing to attend? Telling people cocks are coming on there heads is (funny) not very nice. There's no wonder why people don't want you to post anymore.


Spitz: Why you want me to go other place? I like to poke troll under bridge. You all spit in sky and it falls in own face. hah

YoYo: Didn't we tell you to fuck off already? (HIC) People made it clear that new users weren't welcome. (HIC) Take your 'conversation' or whatever it is to the other board, where people prefer to talk and have a good time. (HIC) Don't fuck up our Thunderdome with your hello kitty talkie talkie stuff. Ass. (HIC)(SLAM)

Gus: LilyAnne bisch I told you to stop pressing that mother fucking button. You're a lonely bisch Lil. A lonely bisch.

Vanilla: I don't get what's going on here. How am I supposed to follow all of the things being discussed in such an obvious fashion? Must be all of the whip-its... fried my ability to function.
Most people think it's an act, but I"m just empty in the head now. Weeeeeeeeeee.

Duhsure: You can't follow it because you are a retard. It would be nice if I had a job so I didn't have to sit on the internet all day trolling forums. I guess being a shithead makes me less desirable. Who'dve thunk it.