Private Message Exchange.....
Vanilla: So, here's how we'll do this..... you two continue to do your shreeking, insane harpie on a crack binge bit, and I'll lurk at IoMP and post all of the juicy stuff.
Perish: Just don't post anything that might make them look good. Only choose the stuff that helps our cause. And make sure you post vague summaries, which will force people to go over to IoMP and view it to make sure they know what you're talking about.
LilyAnne: AGREED!AGREED!AGREED! Yeah fuck them let them get the whole story on their own. Most people won't bother, like no one bothered to follow up on the hacking incident. SO we have that working in our favor.
Vanilla: Indeed. I'll make some random name-calling posts and acuse her of being a psyhotic, drug addled loon.
Perish: I'll back that up and toss in some more comments about psychotropic drugs I use to confuse people.
LilyAnne: AGREED!AGREED!AGREED! I made us a banner with my mad art skills.....