Monday, March 7, 2011

Nightwatchman or manslave?

Private Chatroom Exchange.....

Insane Slut: So what do we do with the guy in the basement?

Perish: Manslave. We can dip him in clamato juice and dress him up like Barney the dinosaur and beat him relentlessly. I guess if the sybian breaks again, we could have sex with him? But that's a last resort. We're talking power outage style. 

Vanilla: Yeah even then I got batteries. Didn't we just get a new sybian? Didn't the steamtank finally break on that one? Now we got that new fangled 'lectric one. 

LilyAnne: AGREED! He can be the butler. Make a fire, fetch my drinks, read Ann Rice novels to us, and change the True Blood DVDs. 

Mysterious Hacker: So it'll be like Gothika meets the Golden Girls? 

LilyAnne: Who let him in here? Seriously GTFO!

Let me sell you a castle.....

Private Message Exchange.....

Blahd: Vhat do you mean Dr. Scott sold you this castle? I've been squatting here vor months. He doesn't own this place!

Insane Slut: Squatting? You don't rent this place from Dr. Scott?

Blahd: No. I've been here since my mom kicked me out. I vixed up the crypt so I could get some sleep during the evil daylight. A-ha-ha.

Insane Slut: Crypt? You mean that basement with the refrigerator box marked 'Blahd's resting chamber'?

Blahd: Vhat? I tried to steal a sarcophagus from the cemetery but it wouldn't fit in the Yugo.