Saturday, November 27, 2010

Skeksis opens a dialog on IOMP.....

Posted on Isle of Misfit Posters.....

Introducing newly registered user..... Skeksis....

Skeksis: First, I am most obviously an alt from one of the asshats on the Curb Feelers forum. I'm here to tell you how lame you all are for posting over here about things that are true and correct, but make us look very, very bad.

Wow you guys are so petty and retarded. I wanted to come over here, not to read this drivel, but to congradulate you on your lame jealousy. I'm sure you will get by great. You must realize that no one is reading this crap. Those 1000+ pageviews are made up. Probably made em up yourself. I'm not the least bit heated over your lame little cartoons and your stupid insults.

And stop reading our forum and then using the stuff we post as fodder for your stupid cartoons and post rants. Just because we make it glaringly obvious by our post history that we are all a mere step away from cavemen, you can't post that shit elsewhere. It's not fair.

BTW... your drawings suck.

Forken pokes a hole.....

Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Forken: I hate to be the one to point out some obvious inconsistencies, but when digging up the info on your IP Tracer, v0.1 you said it was, I found this bit of information...

"IP Tracer v0.1 is for entertainment purposes only. This will not track and record ACTUAL IP address, instead merely flashing and beeping to give the illusion of safety. Do not use in situations
where security is a must. (c) PhukMe Toys."

So what gives? Are you guys just making up that 'evidence' you have? At this point you guys are badgering the living shit out of people based on non-existent evidence and some hate fuel rantings from a batch of old grumpy people. I think you would be wise to reexamine your information, and start being more open with your community. Just a suggestion.

Dr. Scott: Weel nae body speart ye did they? Sae wa dornt ye buck aff?

Earthboi Onus: Can't we all just relax. I don't think anyone is trying to offend anyone. Just because those IOMP assholes are over here trying to address the rampant, raging storm of shit we're posting on their forum, even in the absence of them doing it here, is no reason to go off the deep end.

LilyAnne: TOTALLY EARTHBOI! AGREE AGREE AGREE AGREE Their posts are all dripping with condensation and putrid insults. Man if Vanilla and I got together we'd be a force to be reckoned with. Now I have to go to an inbreeding ceremony. I'll be back later.

Insane Slut: This is all a waste of time. We should be talking about me and how awesome I am. You can ask all of my friends and family, I'm the shit. Fuck those other cunts. Who cares?

LilyAnne: AGREE AGREE AGREE AGREE I'm really going now. Not going to read this slanderous slime any longer.

YoYo: Wut? (HIC)(GURGLE) I dishn't hear wash shoe gais wer shayin. Aww phuk it. (SLAM)

LaTigra points to the facts......

Posted on Curb Feelers.....

LaTigra Jackson:
Is it me, or am I the only one who noticed yous gais banging on da IOMP crew about admin anonymity while you lame ass turkeys take up vague poster names and den trow obvious jabs at everyone? Anonymously? What are yous gais crazy?

Dr. Scott: Nae a body wants ye ower haur pointin' it aw ay these facts an' logic. Fa cares? Nae us. We prefer tae keep th' status quo an' torment, berate, humiliate an' falsely accuse fowk ay things fur th' lulz.

That's hoo it works haur. Buck off awreddy.

Duhsure: Look. I already made it clear to everyone, if you would just listen to my rock solid logic it's perfectly understandable. I spoke to all of those people that have nothing to do with this, and they told me in PM how bitchin' Larry, BigDawg, the Doc and Lester all are so why would I disbelieve them?

If someone says something to me those are facts. All of those numbers and logs are just more bullshit. Who cares about hard facts when you can ignore them and keep being a stupid dick? That's what I say.

Larry: (HIC) Fargle sprinkles cuddle cakes and tight bunns. (gurgle)

Antman: Larry, do you like gladiator movies?

BigDawg has a list.....

Posted on Curb Feelers.....

BigDawg: So, here's a list of the IP addresses from that crazy bitches sessions, which had nothing to do with her actual IP address, and only show who used her credentials, or even hacked our server and hijacked one of her existing sessions, but there's a list of IP addresses tied to a proxy service that thousands of users have access to all the time.

This will, of course, in no way prove anything at all, without heaps of information like her firewall logs and correlating information from the attacks (which she provided) and logs from the other suspect (which were provided) ... none of this matters because the IP Tracer v0.1 printed this list and that proves everything. Just ask Larry.....

Who cares... use it anyway!

Back in PMs with BigDawg and Larry.....

BigDawg: Ok look, I'm not sure how I missed it, but this thing isn't really designed to do what we need it to. So we should probably find something else that does.

Larry: Or just keep on usin' it. Nun of these dumbasses is gonna know it don't work. Just leave it on and we'll try sumthin' else.

BigDawg: So how do we get the list of IP addresses you said we'd post to prove that crazy bitch attacked us?

Larry: You're the expert. Make sumthin' up. Just grab some numbers and make a list. Who's gonna know? She used to yammer about MegaUberRouter proxies, grab a bunch of those and stick em on there. Bound to hit on one of em.

BigDawg: But... I... what the... sigh. Ok. I'll have it ready in a bit. It'll take me some time to figure out how to get the IP addresses off the proxy websites. I'm sure it's in a book around here somewhere. Maybe Google has it.

BigDawg looks into the broken IP Tracer.....

After work, BigDawg takes a look at the IP Tracer,
trying to figure out why Larry can't get the info.

Ok. Let's RTFM. Troubleshooting tricks and tips....

  • Locate reset button on bottom of case
  • Press reset button with something small and blunt
  • Wait for IP Tracer to beep, and flash
  • Turn IP Tracer on
  • Lights and Sounds should now work properly

Aww.... WTF? That's just great. Totally f'n' great.

What is wrong with the IP Tracer?

PM Exchange between Larry and BigDawg.....

Larry: Dawg, why am I not gettin' stuff outta the IP thingie? Why does nuthin' ever work here. You're supposed to be some big time kick ass technical whumbo jumbo. Fuckin' fix it will ya? (HIC)

BigDawg: Look you ignorant redneck, I told you when you created this place I didn't know shit about shit. But you wanted me to handle it. So I'm handling it. You're the one who told everyone how awesome I was, and then we were caught ass-out by some annoying little bitch with skills that make me look like printer maintenance man.

You called her out, you pissed her off. Don't jump in my shit with both feet like I did something wrong. How many times did everyone tell you it was Lester? Stop bending him over and handle it.

Maybe you're just too stupid to get the IPs out of there. I'll look at it in a bit, when I'm done at my job.

Introducing LaTigra Jackson: Curb Feelers champion of lost causes

LaTigra Jackson: Curb Feelers Champion of Lost Causes

LaTigra is alot of things, but one thing she isn't is biased. She'll tell you like it is, regardless of who she offends, and if you don't get it, well fuck you, it's a Jersey thing. Formerly the champion of all causes lost to the lynchings of the mob, she has recently been seen trying to establish a presence at the 'Isle of Misfit Posters', since Curb Feelers is all but a wasteland, only the writhing army of slugs left to champion it's cause any longer.

More wisdom from Duhsure....

Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Duhsure: It seems to me, that the people on the other place are just a bunch of nasty bastards. Not like this place full of nasty bastards, where we band together to shame and humiliate a single person, or maybe a handful of people... but nastier, meaner people, who didn't want to be ridiculed, shamed, harassed, and tormented by the admins.

Just because the board got hacked a few times, and we let the culprit go free regardless of the facts we were presented, what's the big deal? Soon, hanging out in a world where no one is hacking their stuff, and no one is insulting them with filthy, viral names, and no one is bashing them over the head with their credentials, ridiculing their every post, they'll be back.

Because they want to be treated like a big bag of shit. It's what Curb Feelers does best. They'll come back, and we'll open the door, then kick them in the ass on the way through, while making sure to point and laugh at the threads they read.

Why is the place so dead?

Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Perish: Everyone must be home for the Holidays. It's so quiet. Those evil assholes drove away all of the cool people. Someone should hunt them down and drive over them.

YoYo: If you're not logged in, you can't see 50% of the threads.

Insane Slut: Everyone is just taking a breather. They will all come back because I'm so loved they can't stay away. Who cares if the ignorant twats return.

YoYo: I dunno. Some people went over to the crybaby place with the other losers. But the cool people are still here. So many babies can't take a few jokes.



Forken: I'm sure it's got nothing to do with the drunken lush of an owner who rampages at people when he's too many twelve packs in the hole, or perhaps it's the place has been hacked to hell and back, the admin is about as technically competent as a Radio Shack cashier, the very people charge with protecting the user base and monitoring the community have taken to pranking the users to the point of irritation..... but other than those reason, I can't begin to wonder why everyone has left or is quiet now.

Forken sets the record straight....

Posted on Curb Feelers....


While this is a charming demonstration of your class, it also demonstrates your inability to ignore something you clearly find offensive. No one from IOMP is on your community lurking and watching button presses, and cross posting lame things like who's watching each thread.

Locking all of your threads is a classy move though, it will no doubt present a welcome environment for new posters. In the meantime, perhaps your mods might remain on their own segment of the Internet instead of trying to moderate IOMP, where they are so out of touch with the community, it's boggling.

K, thx, bai.

Introducing Forken: Moderator for "Isle of Misfit Posters"

Forken: Moderator for "Isle of Misfit Posters"

Forken loves video games and is fairly adept as picking things up quickly. He spends most of his time lurking on boards, watching posters, and maybe putting in the occasional tech bit here and there.

Mostly quiet and reserved, Forken moderates the "Isle of Misfit Posters", a community established shortly before the impending demise of another community, when admins and moderators began turning on their poster's in an anarchistic free for all that has resulted in said community being locked up and the remaining members held hostage.

Larry's on the wagon, for now...

Posted to Curb Feelers....

Larry: Aww you ggguys I'm sorry. I was a real jackass. You know how I ggget when I start slapping back those Keystones, and the ole anaconda ;)

MissX, Antman I've let you out of the probe lab so you're not gggetting cornholed by me for now. I'm back down to a 12 pack a night, so it should all be smooth sailing. Maybe I'll switch up with whiskey for variety.

The Doc is in charggge for a little bit, I gotta ggget this shit off my laptop. I think I gggot gggoo in my ggg key.

Dr. Scott: Dornt fash yerse cheil, I'll hauld doon th' forte while ye tak' a bit. Yoo can gie th' spunk it ay yer 'g' key wi' rubbin' kergo.

BMB: That's right dog you betta take some time to get yo shit togetha. Word bitch. Now piss off Marky Mark's on Leno.

Insane Slut speaks out against the gossip....

Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Insane Slut:
What I can't believe is those children on that 'other' place talking all sorts of endless shit. Who the hell wastes their time reading a bunch of drivel being posted for the amusement of assholes? I mean did you see the 'likes' that are going on there?

"Chunk Monk, Forken, BMB, all liked this!"

Seriously? What kind of dull minded little fuckwits would waste their time going on and on and on about something they can't do anything about anyhow? We're going to mistreat and abuse all of the users we want, and if they don't like the way the administration bends us over and shoves it in deep, let em have their little victim party.


FUCKIN AYE! Yeeeeehaw you go girl. Who's reading that shit anyhow. Did you see where they went on for like 6 pages about us reading and quoting their likes. What a crock of shit. Look...

"BMB, Forken, Chunk Monk, Grenade all liked this".

Introducing Insane Slut: One foot in the raisin ranch

Insane Slut: One foot in the raisin ranch

Almost everyone likes Insane Slut so if you've got an issue, she'll tell you how much that's your own problem. Endlessly stalking persons she dislikes from thread to thread, saying nothing of value but monotonous with the insults. If only we could help her remember where she put her pills.

She's just a heinous bitch, I"m not sure what else you're looking for but the facts.