Posted on Phuzzy Pheelings......
MAC: I am still working on the buttons. You'll notice I've added additional functionality to them, so they allow you to press them for a quick response, but also get up to date information about all of the activity going on with the button itself.

We're ranking people on how much they've been F'ed, how much they're doing the F'ing, and trending which people are F'ed the most. That way it's easy to see who's on the list, getting F'ed and you can jump on the bandwagon (or get in with them and get F'ed yourself).
That's the quick version of how to use the 'F-You' and similar buttons. If anything is missing, or you feel there's not enough functionality, please let me know so I can fix it. For awhile it would probably be better if everyone just stuck to button pressing to test it, while I continue to post. No one cares about anything that I didn't post anyhow, so it'll work out fine.