Tuesday, February 8, 2011

MAC explains how to get F'ed.....

Posted on Phuzzy Pheelings......

MAC: I am still working on the buttons. You'll notice I've added additional functionality to them, so they allow you to press them for a quick response, but also get up to date information about all of the activity going on with the button itself.

See here.... let's use the F-You button as an example, it's one of my favorites. By clicking it I can give a quick 'F-You' to the poster. But if I click and hold the button, a menu will appear. Here you can see how many people have F'ed you, how many people you have F'ed, how much F'ing is going on in general, which threads people are F'ing in and how much F'ing they're doing in those threads. You can see who's currently being F'ed, and which people were the most popular F'ers.

We're ranking people on how much they've been F'ed, how much they're doing the F'ing, and trending which people are F'ed the most. That way it's easy to see who's on the list, getting F'ed and you can jump on the bandwagon (or get in with them and get F'ed yourself).

That's the quick version of how to use the 'F-You' and similar buttons. If anything is missing, or you feel there's not enough functionality, please let me know so I can fix it. For awhile it would probably be better if everyone just stuck to button pressing to test it, while I continue to post. No one cares about anything that I didn't post anyhow, so it'll work out fine.

WTF.... they're not looking over here anymore!

Posted on Curb Feelers....

BigDawg: I've completed thrashing the board again. Everything should be back to just as broken as it has been. So at least you won't miss you're nightly drama. 

Since everyone has lost focus on Larry for five minutes, he has instructed me to restore the missing thread from the other day that we were instructed to pull down under the pretense of noise. I am told it is untouched and hasn't been altered.  

Thanks be to thee.....

Private Message Exchange.....

Father Lester: Thanks for dragging the drama away from IoMP earlier with that button stunt. That was swift. It was getting thick in there with people actually starting to see through my bullshit. I was worried I was going to have to take drastic measures to squelch it.

MAC: Button stunt? That was sheer interface pwnage. No one can type more than a few lines now, it's brilliant. My posts will dominate all!

Why are you talking to me? You're lucky I hate that bitch Buffy. Don't you know that I used to work for Yee-Haw. So fucking recognize biotch! Now run along before I make you into an alt of mine.

It's about the new interface.....

Posted on Phuzzy Pheelings.....

DeBon: Ok so MAC has been cleaning it up and here's the end result... I think it'll work quite nicely.

Frodo: Actually, I rather like the new buttons.... it completes the interface. Now I can tell you bastards off without having to say much!

Red-Eye Master: When one rely on button to perceive, they stare at universe through peephole in shower.

There's too much talking, need more buttons......

Posted on Phuzzy Pheelings.....

DeBon: MAC just updated the board so I'll let you get the info from him because I'm too busy lookin' slick and makin Facebook friends to care..... back later, I've got a hot little number in my GTalk,  needs a safeword, not sure what that's about (shrug).

MAC: I added a 'like' button today. Now we'll be more streamlined and awesome, because mine has tons of features, so you can do more with our like button. 
I'm edgy like that. 

I figure the like button will reduce posting by an additional 10%, which means my posts will stand out that much more. This button should help my increase my post count, thereby multiplying my ego to a point where it will separate and become yet another alt of mine with which to see myself post!

Frodo: Like?