Friday, February 4, 2011

Feelers have a pow-wow.....

Overheard on Vent.....

LilyAnne: Now what do we do? I told everyone I didn't send those emails, but it's obvious I did. I mean, What's his name tried to defend me, and say I was all wonderful and cheery, but just about everyone saw through that little smoke screen.

BigDawg: I'm not sure what you want? I can't control things that happen over there (or here either really). Why  are you dressed like Cruella? 

Heirolip: Why don't we just try dropping everything and getting along? We can send flowers and have a parade. Who cares about privacy and harassment. Sweep it all under the rug. We're losing users to other communities.

Larry: (HIC) Why don't we get Lester to hack their shit? Like he did to us. 

BigDawg: Lester's not that good.

Here chicken, chicken, chicken.....

Posted on Isle of Misfit Posters.....

Oscar Oldbie: Hey. Who are you and what have you done with all of my chickens? Ah rats I have to pinch a loaf. I'll be back. How are you guys anyhow?

Forken: I haven't seen any chickens. Don't you have to go to the toilet? 

Oscar Oldbie: Eh? My chickens I need my chickens. I just went to the toilet I'm fine.

Is this the help desk?

Private Message Exchange.....

MissX: Hey guys. I'm having issues with my account. My privacy settings, they are reset to public when I return, or even in the same visit. Also, at times, I see to have a 403 error or something. I'm not good with web stuffs but that was the number on the Google thingie.

BigDawg: Sorry you're having issues. Are you flooding the server with DDoS tools? We have programs that lock you out if you are?

MissX: Everything else works. DDoSing? I don't roleplay sweetie. If we could keep my pictures private that would be awesome. Otherwise I'll have to remove them. 

Larry: Who the fuck caresch? Maybe Cylons stole yer pikturz? Nah. I blocked you. B-Cuzch I'm tired of you takin' yer tits down fore I can tug one off..... and you sided with that twat two months ago when she ran around tellin' on me. 

BigDawg: I'll look into it MissX. Please reset your privacy settings and I'll see what I can do.

Larry: Aschkisser.

Introducing Yoraz: Curb Feelers regular.....

Yoraz suffers from small man complex. Due to this fact, Yoraz makes a big deal out of everything. While he doesn't post often, his posts are usually small minded and short, his large ego writing enormous checks his minuscule intellect is unable to cash.Short-tempered and short-sited, luckily he landed a job administering small web servers, which consists of pushing buttons on the pretty interface. Wrestling is Yoraz's real joy in life. 

Introducing Heirolip: Curb Feelers Moderator.....

On the face it would seem that Heirolip is ever the optimist. Striving to make sure it appears as though she's attempting to mend fences, pass around sunshine feelings, and sincerely help people with their issues, whatever those might be. "Can't we all just get along?", would be the best way to describe her public facade. 

In the background, however, she likes to extend her hand in aid, while using anything you share with her against you when it suits her best. The most effective method of dealing with Heirolip, is not to communicate with her at all.  Her tactics include selective memory, betraying private communications, and ignoring bad things because they make her sad in the pants.