DeBon: Phuzzy Pheelings owner and operator

Phuzzy Pheelings is a closely moderated community of people who don't like to have their feelings hurt, also known as a 'carebear board'. Banding together to oust anyone who doesn't meet with their joy-joy psychosis, their typical day includes mocking anyone who doesn't inspire caring feelings in those around them, ridiculing people who don't fit into the paradigm, and squashing any chance of integrating if you aren't within their stringent screening standards.
DeBon thinks of himself as the most suave person to grace the eyes of all who behold him. Sensitive, playing to the ladies, and trying to look like the cool guy are among his repertoire of playboy tricks, which most people see right through.
Every now and then, he can be seen playing the 'backstreet badass', which amounts to faux plays at being tough, usually making no-one feel intimidated. He'll drop the ban hammer, however, when the Phuzzy Pheelings community forces his hand, pressuring him to do their bidding.
The only person who has direct sway over DeBon is MAC. For reasons unknown, DeBon is MAC's little bitch boy.