Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Ignominious covenant is born.....

Private Message exchange.....

Pope Lester: Someone sent me an anonymous e-mail telling me you were the man who could get things done. I figure it must be true, because it came from the Internet. So here I am. I need some help getting that crazy bitch off my ass, so I can get back to being a degenerate.

Dirty Sanchez: MMmmHmm you have some nice buns deary. Aren't you worried that the big man upstairs is going to make a sadface?

Pope Lester: Wut? Oh the collar. That's not real. I'm not a priest, I just pretend to be one on Curb Feelers. It makes people feel safer so they don't look in my direction when I'm molesting them with my cyber-kiddie skills.

Dirty Sanchez: Saucy! I like you. You're yummier than a lubed up truck driver in a gimp mask. Honey we need to become sexy girlfriends. Let me show you how to do this shit right. Just agree to give me that useless soul you're carrying around and I'll take care of the rest.

Pope Lester: So, if I give you my soul, which is empty and worthless anyhow, you'll stop that bitch from posting all those facts about how I hacked the board, and tweaked all those users, reading PMs and posting with their names to stir shit. Making alts and hacking into users computers, setting up honey pots and locking up gimps in my basement..... you'll stop her?

Dirty Sanchez: She'll never say another word about it.....

Pope Lester: Sounds great to me. Fax that shit over here and get a move on.

Dirty Sanchez enlists a minion.....

Private Message exchange.....

Dirty Sanchez: Listen up, silly man. You're gonna make some alts and go forth to unleash large quantities of silliness on Curb Feelers.

MAC: Haha, I'm gonna do that anyway. Why should I work for you?

Dirty Sanchez: Because silly buns, I can make you super powerful and stuff. If you come be my little pookie muffin, I'll make you ruler of my ssssssyber army sweetie.

MAC: I'll have to mull this over.

Dirty Sanchez: Don't think about it too long sport, I might get bored and find some other super special sillyman. Toodles.

Introducing Dirty Sanchez: The Father of Lies

Dirty Sanchez: The Father of Lies

What can be said? He lies every second of his worthless life. If he's communicating with you, it's probably a lie, unless it's the truth. If it is the truth, more then likely it's being told to support a lie. Probably a lie told to support another lie that was told about a lie he made up the other day when bending the truth. The only chance you have is to sign the contract, binding him to the terms... which he probably lied about.

Your worst enemy, or your best friend... you decide.....

(that's probably a lie he's really just an enemy)

For-uhm Boredz: Recap 4 available on Youtube.

For-uhm Boredz on Youtube.....

After some technical difficulties, we're now live on Youtube. We'll be using Youtube to recap the events that occur during the course of the blog, for our amusement and for those who just want the cliff notes.

We hope you enjoy these as much as the blog.....

Thank you for viewing.