Private message exchange.....

Larry: I was readin this book I got today and it says there's magnets in the hard drives. So that's got me wonderin' if the magnets didn't erase those PMs. You know, the ones we couldn't find when we was readin' em all. (HIC)

BigDawg: I hadn't thought about that. I suppose it's possible. I didn't know there were magnets in hard drives. You should send me a copy of that book you're reading.

Dr. Scott: Fa in th' buck is gonna believe some glaikit jobby loch 'at? 'at doesnae e'en soond reit. ye assholes make me swatch glaikit aw th' time. Ah quit. gie someain else tae be yer wee huir.

Larry: I think we should just tell them it was the magnets that ate the PMs, and leave it at that. Worst that can happen is Forken and all those tech assfaces will post about why we're stupid, and everyone already knows that so no harm there. (HIC)(SNORT)(GURGLE)

BigDawg: Good plan. Let's just run with it. There's been too much going on at that other place and not enough happening here anyhow. We need some traffic.