Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Nipply: Well, when you're doing that you can't
rely on others to back you up you have
to stand on your own principals.

Forken: Of course, most people will choose to side with the popular opinion rather than stand on their own two feet.

Duhsure: I have no interest in this topic at all!
I just wanted to tell you I hate you both,
and think you should die in a
boiling fire of mustard gas.

MAC: Man, why do you always have
to come into a topic you don't care about
and post some off-topic shit? Christ don't
make me post my dick.

Duhsure: I'm not off-topic, YOU'RE off-topic.
I can say what I want, no matter how
fucking irrelevant and insane it is.

MAC: No... you.... are.... off-topic.... seriously.
I can do this all day, I can't leave my house
because there's a riot going on. Half naked
truck drivers have lubed themselves up and
are storming the Bed, Bath & Beyond across
the street. So what's up bitch?

Duhsure: Whatever. You're off-topic.
Thanks for ruining the thread asshole.
Go make some more alts why don't you?
Hell, you're probably talking to yourself
in this thread anyway.

CAGED MAN: Aww I'm missing the riot? Phuk. SAFEWORD! WHAT'S THE SAFEWORD? MMmmmphphpmp mmpm mpmpmm......