Friday, February 4, 2011

Feelers have a pow-wow.....

Overheard on Vent.....

LilyAnne: Now what do we do? I told everyone I didn't send those emails, but it's obvious I did. I mean, What's his name tried to defend me, and say I was all wonderful and cheery, but just about everyone saw through that little smoke screen.

BigDawg: I'm not sure what you want? I can't control things that happen over there (or here either really). Why  are you dressed like Cruella? 

Heirolip: Why don't we just try dropping everything and getting along? We can send flowers and have a parade. Who cares about privacy and harassment. Sweep it all under the rug. We're losing users to other communities.

Larry: (HIC) Why don't we get Lester to hack their shit? Like he did to us. 

BigDawg: Lester's not that good.