Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Perish: Everyone must be home for the Holidays. It's so quiet. Those evil assholes drove away all of the cool people. Someone should hunt them down and drive over them.

YoYo: If you're not logged in, you can't see 50% of the threads.

Insane Slut: Everyone is just taking a breather. They will all come back because I'm so loved they can't stay away. Who cares if the ignorant twats return.

YoYo: I dunno. Some people went over to the crybaby place with the other losers. But the cool people are still here. So many babies can't take a few jokes.


Forken: I'm sure it's got nothing to do with the drunken lush of an owner who rampages at people when he's too many twelve packs in the hole, or perhaps it's the place has been hacked to hell and back, the admin is about as technically competent as a Radio Shack cashier, the very people charge with protecting the user base and monitoring the community have taken to pranking the users to the point of irritation..... but other than those reason, I can't begin to wonder why everyone has left or is quiet now.