Posted on Curb Feelers.....

"IP Tracer v0.1 is for entertainment purposes only. This will not track and record ACTUAL IP address, instead merely flashing and beeping to give the illusion of safety. Do not use in situations
where security is a must. (c) PhukMe Toys."
So what gives? Are you guys just making up that 'evidence' you have? At this point you guys are badgering the living shit out of people based on non-existent evidence and some hate fuel rantings from a batch of old grumpy people. I think you would be wise to reexamine your information, and start being more open with your community. Just a suggestion.

Dr. Scott: Weel nae body speart ye did they? Sae wa dornt ye buck aff?

Earthboi Onus: Can't we all just relax. I don't think anyone is trying to offend anyone. Just because those IOMP assholes are over here trying to address the rampant, raging storm of shit we're posting on their forum, even in the absence of them doing it here, is no reason to go off the deep end.

LilyAnne: TOTALLY EARTHBOI! AGREE AGREE AGREE AGREE Their posts are all dripping with condensation and putrid insults. Man if Vanilla and I got together we'd be a force to be reckoned with. Now I have to go to an inbreeding ceremony. I'll be back later.

Insane Slut: This is all a waste of time. We should be talking about me and how awesome I am. You can ask all of my friends and family, I'm the shit. Fuck those other cunts. Who cares?

LilyAnne: AGREE AGREE AGREE AGREE I'm really going now. Not going to read this slanderous slime any longer.

YoYo: Wut? (HIC)(GURGLE) I dishn't hear wash shoe gais wer shayin. Aww phuk it. (SLAM)