Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Dr. Scott: Nae a body wants ye ower haur pointin' it aw ay these facts an' logic. Fa cares? Nae us. We prefer tae keep th' status quo an' torment, berate, humiliate an' falsely accuse fowk ay things fur th' lulz.
That's hoo it works haur. Buck off awreddy.

Duhsure: Look. I already made it clear to everyone, if you would just listen to my rock solid logic it's perfectly understandable. I spoke to all of those people that have nothing to do with this, and they told me in PM how bitchin' Larry, BigDawg, the Doc and Lester all are so why would I disbelieve them?
If someone says something to me those are facts. All of those numbers and logs are just more bullshit. Who cares about hard facts when you can ignore them and keep being a stupid dick? That's what I say.

Larry: (HIC) Fargle sprinkles cuddle cakes and tight bunns. (gurgle)

Antman: Larry, do you like gladiator movies?