Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Spitz: Heya everyone. Imma new here and a buddy told me 'bout this place, so I make an account. I like the title. Imma hopin' to make more friends and show off pictures of my caddy. I have feelers on my caddy. She's old but Imma glooin her back tugether. One of em is bent but I saw some new ones at the AutoPit so I think Imma pick me up a set on payday.

LilyAnne: WTF asshole. This place doesn't care about your curb feelers or your stupid caddy. Did't you post somewhere else about your caddy. If they didn't care, why the fuck all would we care?

Blahd the Whailer: Vuta joke. Joo schtupid moron, Curb Feelers isn't about actual curb feelers, it's a groping joke. Count the vays you are schtupid. Von.... Two.... Three.... ahahaha!

Larry (ontheroad?): (HIC) HAH. Good morning dipshits. Who the fuck drives a caddy with curb feelers on it anymore? You gotta polyester suit in the closet? Hyuck! (HIC) Anyways, I just wanted to say howdie, I'm all hopped up and ready to get on the road. Thank god Keystone is on sale at this place, I can load up for the drive. (HIC).

Spitz: Well excuse me. I didn't think I would be dogpiled. It's like a chicken getting caught in a barn full of hungry jackals. Yee doggie, maybe I'll come back when everyone's off their PMS.

LilyAnne: HI LARRY! Be safe. We'll be waiting here to sniff your butt when you come on back. And piss off Spitz. There's a whiners board you can always go to and be a victim.