Overheard on vent, Curb Feelers administration meeting.....

Pope Lester: We're here to discuss board business. Larry's still on the road so he's really only popping in to fuck with everyone when he's shitfaced. It's nice when the meth wears off so we can all get a few days of calm.

Antman: Are we here to discuss the
lack of a gay pr0n section?

Earthboi Onus: It would be nice if Larry would stop tweaking with users account settings and being an overall douche to the posters so they'll stop blaming me and the others. Then I can fuck with the users. HAH

Dr. Scott: Ever since 'at auld quine beat mah crease at th' stair, I've bin tryin' tae teel th' auld huir she's mah burd ffs.
YoYo has bin hittin th' sauce stoaner lately.

Unknown Source: mmmmph mphmpm
(CLANG CLANG) uummphh (THUD)

Earthboi Onus: What the hell was that?

Pope Lester: Nothing my vent has some sort of glitch, it keeps crossing up with some freaks vent channel. I hear the weirdest stuff some times. HEHE. I need to get it fixed.