Posted on Phuzzy Pheelings.....

MAC: So I was thinking it would be cool if we upgraded the front, more like the new software and it'll let us ban people from our cell phones!

DeBon: I'll give it a look later when I get done working at the club. You're going to upgrade it anyhow, so just go ahead and do it if you want. I'll be in later to post an update. There's 3 or 4 ladies who need some of the Bon tonight, if you catch what I'm sayin'.

Insane Slut: MAC you fucking twisted little peckerfreckle. I know that's your alt trolling over on Curb Feelers showing his tiny little prick to anyone who's dumb enough to click the link. I've told you before that no one cares about your prick, because they're too busy looking at my shear awesomeness. So put it back in your pants and log in as yourself, like a man (well as close as you can get little boy).

Ruffled Feathers: Dear children, must we insist on this insufferable fighting all of the time? It's so immature. You're acting like a bunch of useless twats and it's reflecting poorly on the board. Go back to Curb Feelers with that trash, this place is civilized, and joy-joy. Bitch!

DeBon: Yeah let's tone it down their Insane. There's no proof KAM is MAC and MAC is KAM. You're being overtly annoying.

MAC: Yeah. My bitch has spoken Slut. Open your greasy mouth again and I'll have it shut for you. Enough is enough.

Insane Slut: You haven't heard the last of me. I'll get you my pretties, and your little pricks too. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH (POOF)