Posted on Curb Feelers.....

KAM: Yeah whatever people like to check out the KAMster. I have so many hits on my KAMster's Kreepy page it makes Cane East jealous. Antman knows what I'm talkin about don'tcha big guy?

Antman: -_O

Yo-Yo: I had trouble getting connected so I could deny looking at it. Must be IE. I was going to use a better browser but TekTyme with BigDawg said IE was the megabomb.


KAM: Yeah my website doesn't really support IE because too many people were complaining that my man biznass was taking up their whole screen, so it's better to view it in a browser that let's you zoom out and see all of the KAMster. ;)

Pope Lester: Ok we get it, your genitals are fun to look at. Great. No answer my PMs damnit or I'll cornhole your naked ass.

Dirty Sanchez: Am I missing the super sexy party? I've got some extra lube and a bag of toys. I wanna play with you sillies. Send me a link to that smokin hot site of yours toddlewinks.