Hidden in an underground volcano lair.....
the insane MAC can be found.....
creating alts......
many, many alts.....

MAC: AHAHAHAHAHAHA Those dumbasses at Curb Feelers have no idea what's about to hit them. My newly created armada of alts will stalk from thread to thread, flinging feces into the circle and standing back to laugh at the violence! It's a good thing one of them is still on the adminsitration team, it makes toying with the users so much simpler. And with Larry pitching in and acting like a tool, all the better.
Isle of Misfit Posters will be much harder to crack. All of the less clueless people have migrated there. I'll need to make some alts, and feed the rumor mill over there. Maybe Larry will freak out again and I'll have some drama to get in on. Alts are good for drama. I can argue with some, and agree with others. It's brilliant. I'll need to get more Blue Balls energy drink if I"m gonna stay up all week and post.
Larry's so methed out and drunk he thinks I'm fucking with him again, so it's perfect. They'll fight amongst themselves and I don't really need to do much of anything. That dumb blondes scribbles are doing an excellent job of pulling on LArry's chain. That works for me so she can just keep on doing it. Maybe they'll think she's a cohort, that will make for epic laughs. He's about as strung out as a $2 hooker looking for a rock, so it's only a matter of time before he needs a ride to the looney bin. aHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!