Posted on the Isle of Misfit Posters.....

LaTigra: Hey. I thought I'd come check this place out since there's such a commotion about it, and the bullshit is getting thick where I come from. I couldn't tell who's running the place, but I don't figure that's important. Looking forward to hanging out.

Forken: Welcome LaTigra. Glad to have you over here. I'm not sure where you're from but here we tend to self moderate and the trolls usually tire and wander off when their tactics fall well below the fail mark.

Peace: Uh, I guess this is where all the 'cool kids' are hanging out? I wonder how long this little revengefest will last? I'm sure once all of you crazy cooks stop patting each other on the back for wrecking our board with your onslaught of facts and your exposure of our lame griefer tactics you'll start kicking each other in the balls and you'll come crying back to Curb Feelers.

Forken: Well Peace you're welcome to hang out here all you want. I doubt many people here will be frequenting Curb Feelers much anymore since the hacker is in charge and everyone is complacent. But hey, whatever rubs your naughty bits right?

Major Humvee: What in the Sam hell are you talking about Peace? No one cares about a gaggle of giggle monkeys rubbin' each others peckers. People go where the conversation is, not where the cover charge is sucking off the owner.
Even I can only stand so much constant assbuggery. With Larry drinking a Keystone truck a week, it's looking like a napalm storm over there.
Now the retarded child of David Koresh and Captain Fruitcake are running shit over there while Larry goes to detox, because let's face it, no one's letting that guy drive.
Sometimes you just want to hang out and talk to your friends while you sharpen your knives, or clean your pistol. You know what I'm sayin.