Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Earthboi Onus: So glad Lester is running things for now. With Dr. Scott missing in action, and things being so tense lately, I think we need some new rules to help lock things down. So I suggest we start cornholing everyone after their first post, and make them explain why we should let them out? If they don't like it, ban them, who needs their shit anyway?

Duhsure: That's an intriguing concept. We can eliminate tormenting them for weeks on end, having them meltdown and then banning them, and just cut right to it. However, then we won't have any noobs to haze. We'll have to start hazing each other.

Perish: You know the Nazi's had pieces of flair they made the Jews wear.

LilyAnne: Did you guys not read that part where they were calling us retarded? I didn't read it either. Such bastards.

Vanilla: I know. I mean, the nerve. I'm so much smarter than all of those people. I can't be troubled to even concern myself with it. My friend's, cousin's, sister's brother's acquaintance used to hottub with Lars Ulrich so we're gonna go to a classy coke party tonight.

Insane Slut: I can remember back to the days when I used to hottub. Things have changed alot since the 20's though, you can't have more than 3 or 4 boyfriends without being called a slut. Ahh you kids have it easy.

BMB: What the fuck is wrong with ya'll? Man this shit is whack.

Sheriff Antman: I don't think anybody wants to hear from you 'Big Money' B. If you have so much money, buy a shirt and get some pant that fit.
Don't you have an Usher concert to get to? By the way, I know it was you that sent those nude cowboy pictures to my email.
Can I get the link to that site? PM me, thanks.