Posted on Curb Feelers.....

LilyAnne: But someone made drawrings of us! Doesn't anyone care?!? They weren't even good drawrings. They sucked even though the description and title indicate clearly that the badly drawn appearance helps emphasize the ridiculousness and the white trashiness of our behavior!
Who the hell do they think they are? Making fun of stuff that's stupid and shameful is wrong! Pointing out pee-poles flaws and drawring attention to the fact that they can't bring themselves to play nice with other grown-ups is just fucked up!
Let people alone to rant and rage and stomp all over people. That's the 'Merican way. We have the right to abuse people and lie every second of our lives... it's what we do. It doesn't involve reading your lame ass drawrings, including the one where you told me what a fat cow I was, clearly I didn't read that one either.
Hide behind your anonymity you stupid fuckers. All of us are over here keeping it real!