Posted on Curb Feelers....

As my first holy act, I am promoting Antman to moderator status, in an effort to clean up this place. So I suggest the rumors about me stop, or else you'll be on your knees, begging for forgiveness if you catch what I'm sayin.
Some of you should PM me about confessional, and repent your sins. I'll be digging through the other PMs at my leisure, but don't worry about that, I'm a man of the cloth, and people like me.

Sheriff Antman: Wouldn't be a bad idea to start weedin' out the undesirables around deez here parts. I think we'll lock down some more threads and force ID when you register. How'd that be? Then we know where to go when it's time to deliver the bat.
All those hoodlums on that other place better just stay over there with the rest of the losers, or it's frame-ups and hackjobs for the lotta ya.
Now let's talk more about the right to gay pr0n. There's clearly not enough of it at Curb Feelers.