Posted on Isle of Misfit Posters.....

Joepin: So, Forken man, what's that lame ass talking about man? Do we have all of that fancy stuff over here to keep out the boners man? Did you see that guy over here talking shit. Wow he's really pissed off man. He should just toke one and mellow out.

Camisa Roja: Can't we just put up some kind of protective shield or something to keep out those puto pendejos? I can't believe with all of the technology we have that it's not possible to thwart the enemy.
And Larry, dear child, take a breathe man and lay off the booze, honestly. Obvio troll es obvio.

Forken: Yeah Joepin don't sweat it. Unlike some other places, we didn't use the most exploit ridden, totally useless, outdated, insecure pile of shit software we could find out of the bargain bin at Transmitter Hut..... we built this from the ground up, with solid tech and security in mind.
Most of the administration is handled by automatic scripts and programs that have little or no human interaction, and moderators/admins do not have full access to databases, because that's just stupid right?
And we don't have the site built for Internet Exploder, because anyone using Internet Exploder at this point should just take their computer outside in the rain and drown themselves, because they're fucking up the Internet for everyone with a brain.