As Larry works feverishly with his new gadget....
Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Spitz: HAHA you're bored sucks so much you all die in fire screaming.

Forken: What do you expect from a board run by drunks, idiots and wannabe hacker types. Even the stupidest of posters will eventually figure it out, sooner or later this place will be a wasteland, probably sooner.

Larry: I'm rather proud of myself, in the last few weeks I've driven every decent poster from the board with my shithead antics. Lester hacking the board was just the icing on the cake, and of course it helped that no one listened to facts because they hate that bitch and wanna suck on my tallywhacker. (HIC)(BURP)

Dirty Sanchez: You better be careful patting yourself on the back silly, you might break your arm and then you'll have nothing to flog it with, sweet-pants-of-yummy.

Pope Lester: WTF. I DIDN'T hack the board Larry you stupid drunken redneck puke.

Dr. Scott: Ahh shutup Lester it's auld. A' fowk knows ye did it sae piss aff.


Insane Slut: I can't believe anyone would go post on that crybaby board. Those fucking useless bastards should have stayed here like adults and taken all of the wanton abuse, lies, and stupidity which continues.
That's what it's always been about, why wake up now and leave? Besides, I am still here and that's the only reason to post her anyway, to bask in the glory that is me.


Yo-Yo: I'm glad all of those posters defected to that other place. Now it's nice and quiet here so I don't have to spend all day reading so much crap. Reading makes my head hurt, 'specially when there's big words and stuff. (HIC)(GURGLE)(HIC)

BMB: Larry the only way to save this place dog is for you to cap yo'self and give this bitch to someone who won't rape it into the ground. Even then dog, I think you pissed in to many cereal bowls to get anyone decent back. I'm the fuck up outta here mostly anyhow, just droppin by to tell you what a whack bitch you are. Peace.,