Somewhere in a dark basement... overheard on vent.....

Pope Lester: Aww sweet, my membership packet is here finally. HAH, Love the sticker I'm gonna have to put this on the back of my Pacer. But not before I scan it and post it on Isle ahaha. I'll make an alt and jab at LaTigra. Teach that bitch to fuck with me.

Larry: Hah yeah dat's funny. I like 'at sticker can I get one? I love bears. I'll be back, I need to get another Squirting Head. Last one busted all over my lap damnit!.

Dr. Scott: Ye cannae post those stickers ower thaur. Whit if someain finds it they're yoors? 'en they'll fin' it we're involved wi' ye an' it's aff tae th' pokey wi' us. Keep em in yer dresser drawer wi' yer porn loch Ah dae.


Pope Lester: Shaddup gimp bitch -( CLANK )- That AzzKlown guy messaged me about the gay pr0n. I can't tell if he's trolling me or not. Anyhow I sent him some links. We'll see how it turns out.
-( CLICK )-