Private message exchange....

Yo-Yo: Did you tell me to Gargle this? You're being a total fuckwit lately. I've been doing all of the alt work on my own, you didn't even help me with those pictures, and now someone found out they're not real. Fucker!

Dr. Scott: Yoo're damn reit Ah tauld ye tae gargle it. Aam boak ay bein' yer wee huir. Ye awreddy hae me neck deep in th' lester jobby. He fucked us aw ower an' ye gart me back heem e'en thocht Ah didne want tae.

Yo-Yo: That's right. Lester deserves our support we can't let him fry for this just because he's stupid. He didn't mean to get caught. It was an accident. If he hadn't gotten caught he'd still be trying to hack the board, the people, and this wouldn't be an issue.

Dr. Scott: He's nae supposed tae be hackin' th' board an' other fowk ye numbskulled twitterpated packmule. Wa dae ye gie anither facelift an' hae yer boobs dain afair yer nipples catch fire frae th' friction.