Posted on Curb Feelers....

LilyAnne: What's up with this shit. I don't have a LIKE button over here. Check this out....
"Forken has 2,345 Likes"
"Buffy has 2,234 Likes and 1,456 Awards"
We don't have AWARDs EITHER! WTF. This is total BULLSHIT. They leave our forum and go make a better one and I can't even post over there without using my alt because I'm too big of a fucking whiner. Damnit!

Yo-Yo: Scott you didn't tell me about that aluminum I-find stuff. Now they know that picture I posted was Gargled.

Dr. Scott: Ahh whatever ye insane auld bat yoo're pissin' me aff noo. Gargle thes.

Insane Slut: Waaay off track here. There's no mention of me anywhere on that other place, I really want to talk about that. I think I deserve an entire thread about me alone. This needs to be rectified.

Dr. Scott: Gang rectifiy thes ye batshit a bampot loon. Wa dorn't ya ride aff a cliee oan a Llama wi' 'at other a bampot fanny.