Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Vanilla: I don't see any reason why someone would intentionally inhibit your ability to access the community. I find it difficult to phantom anyone having a motivation for such childlike behavior.
Perhaps you are all just having some random technical issue, that's mysteriously infected both of you. Is that so hard to believe?

MissX: That doesn't make very much sense to me, and I don't know much about computers.

BigDawg: Did you uninstall your virus scanner? Maybe it's time to reinstall Portholes 9? Are you still using that out of date Portholes 8 version that was out last month? Crapware. Go spend the $500 to get the new one and that'll fix your problem, I'm sure of it.

Antman: So someone stole the boobies from the thread? Did we make a list of all the brown people and question them? Who's got some duct tape we can drown them until they talk and call it waterboarding, which is not torture.

Larry: Fucking christ people! Keystone messed up your accounts. As in who gives a fuck I need more Keystone. No shut the fuck up or Imma start cornholin mother fuckers.