BMB: Aight check dis yo. Ya'll is some whack bitches and I'm bout to roll up in here and slap down my thang. Lester, start by spillin' why you setup someone's honeypot to be probed. Lots of peeps done aksed you bout it and you dodgin dog. So sup?

Earthboi Onus: Didn't BigDawg say this was not a Curb Feeler's issue. Perhaps you need to reexamine your own setup. Maybe you're doing it wrong? Curb Feelers administration is infallible.

MissX: We're all doing it wrong?

Larry: SHUT THE FUCK UP! The next fucker to say hacker gets cornholed.

Antman: Hacker lol

Earthboi: Welcome to cornhole time Antman.

Lester: I'm not sure what a honeypot even is B. I have no idea who would have done such a thing and try to blame it on innocent old me. After all, I am a priest, I can't be a bad guy. People love me. Even though I have no evidence, and have been less than honest, you'll have to trust me.

YoYo: BMB you stupid wannabe rapper ass punk! Lester has no cause to be hacking into anyone's shit. Not to mention he's dumber than a box of wet rocks when it comes to computers, so there's no way he did this. He needed Dr. Scott to send an email for him apologizing to someone for god sakes. You're a dick.

Dr. Scott: Ah can confirm 'at Lester hud me send th' email. I cannae confirm if he is dumber than a box ay dreich rocks.

Vanilla: Who would hack into this place, it's so silly. I think you're all just being overly silly. People don't do silly things like this. It's like saying priests like to molester kids, just silly.