Vanilla: Curb Feelers resident knowitall!
What can she say? Vanilla knows everything there is to know about everything there is. If you listen to her, she'll tell you how much more educated, emotionally balanced, wise, more experienced, and just about anything else in comparison to whomever she is speaking at the time.
Vanilla likes to be the center of attention, and her polite mannerisms hide her subtle sarcasm while she fires insult after insult from the safety of her alternate reality. Tucked away inside a world all her own, Vanilla believes things like truth, justice and the American way still exist, and even thrive in most places.
Having a tendency to come into the foray long after the dust has begun to settle, she likes to kick sand back into the faces of the combatants to draw them back into confrontation. Her inability to empathize with persons beneath her station in life makes her difficult to reason with, and impossible to debate.