Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Dr. Scott: Whit th' buck ur ye talkin' abit ye bapit huir? 10% ay th' united states is rich? By whit standards? At th' sam time, yoo're nae exactly hittin' th' soop scullery ur ye? Sae rich is a matter ay perspectife. ye can hardly compaur yerself tae starvin' bairns in ethiopia.

LilyAnne: Blow it out your ass Scott. Just because I have a roof over my head, am employed, have my own business, a car, computers, high speed internet access..... that doesn't mean I'm well off. There's a ton of greedy assholes in this country raping me and the other poor people all day long for our hard earned cash. Making us run up mountains of debit to pay for our computers and making my Lexus payments. It's ridiculous and I'm offended.

Insane Slut: Wait I thought I was the Insane Slut wtf? Get your own act.