Dr. Whozits had allied with Lester in an attempt to get closer to the identities of their arch-enemy, while the LUJ has been exposed for the creeps that they are. While no one has seen Oblivia in quite some time, it's been rumored she might have made an attempt to ally herself with the LUJ but was tossed into their SPAM file and MAC churns away in his basement lair, plotting his revenge against the world.
MAC: Luckily, it's been fairly quiet around here while everyone else goes on with their actual lives. I've had plenty of time to regain control of my minions. With the clearing of the trash from PP so there's no opposition to my ignorant rants, and I can continue my virtual e-peen domination.

DeBon: You mean my board is now free of drama and things can get back to normal.
MAC: Yeah, yeah, whatever. Hey did you get those new pictures I took of my man bits? Looks bigger when you shave it right?
DeBon: Mine didn't.