Thursday, September 15, 2011

Introducing HaeTo Codger: Get off the lawn!!!!

HaeTo is about as average as it gets. If you've ever stared at a plain sheet of white paper, you've experienced HaeTo in all their glory. HaeTo could talk a methhead into a deep sleep.

In an effort to combat HaeTo's average, boring, unimaginative self..... HaeTo borrowed a play from Mr. Whozits, and started hammering out alt after alt.

Problem is, HaeTo can't remember which meds HaeTo took last. Sometimes facts go missing in HaeTo's reality juggling (HaeTo's reality, your reality, our reality, whatever right?).

Most of what HaeTo says breaks down to 'you youngins get off mah lawn!'. The problem is, HaeTo is rarely standing on HaeTo's own lawn.