For-uhm Boredz is a satirical cartoon which peers into the lives, both online and offline, of various fictional characters who frequent three fictional internet communities... Curb Feelers, Phuzzy Pheelings, and the Isle of Misfit Posters. Any resemblance to actual persons or Internet personas are entirely in your mind, unless you're guilty of something you'd like to share with the rest of us..... you know who you are. Naughty.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Introducing Otiose Organizer
Ousted from his former position as Casino director, Otiose was fired from his virtual playground when it was discovered that his intentions were to enslave children into a life of servitude through the perils of gambling.
Hellbent on seeking revenge, he kidnaps members of his former virtual society and forces them to put their mouths on the nether regions of his newly created mob of Thug Zombies*. Forcing them to join his cause or be cast into the dungeon, forced to endure reading countless thousands of his 'informational' Interwebz posts.
The best course of action when you see Otiose coming, is to trip him as you push him out the exit.
* Bio on Thug Zombies forthcoming - ed