Friday, May 27, 2011

Introducing the Wretched Mister Whozits

Have tent, will travel.... to poach wireless signals. Mister Whozits has always dreamed of becoming the most evol mastermind that ever surfed the cyberwebz. Having little to do as he resides with 'friends', he poaches wireless signals so he can create endless Internet loons toons for the purpose of realizing his dream.

If you haven't gotten a PM from Whozits, you haven't been around long enough. Eventually exhausting his list of potential allies, Whozits will commence with the standard griefer-kit playbook.... his has been out of date since the late 90s'. Typical modes of operation include replying to himself in the form of alts, stroking the buttons while cackling wildly, and contacting everyone with the same cut and paste rhetoric. In between moving his 'base of operations' and creating new personas, Mister Whozits has little time for any real life, and is content to wander the Internets imagining himself as the Cyber version of Jesse James or Billy the Kid.