Thursday, March 17, 2011

Who rooted the MAC?

Overhead on Vent.....

MAC: What the fuck are you babbling about? That program was full proof. All you and the other jackass had to do was operate it.

Dr. Scott: Ah didne dae anythin' ye didne teel me was awe rite. She jist stopped respondin'. it happened puckle days ago, reit efter 'at barnie whaur rob freaked it.

| # YOSHIMA report status
| - unable to connect -
| # YOSHIMA initiate restart
| - this function has been disabled -

MAC: Jesus jiffy-popping fuck man! What did you do to my program? You're as dumb as the programs. I never should have involved you.

| # YOSHIMA initiate self-destruct
| - this function has been disabled -

Dr. Scott: Awe rite. mebbe Ah got th' keyboard a bit gooey th' other nicht, but Ah dornt see whit 'at has tae dae wi' anythin'.

MAC: You realize you're trying my patience, yes?