Thursday, February 10, 2011

You vant to zuk mah Blahd.....

Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Blahd the Whailer: Good to know you'll be azzuming a new identity (in zecret, ofc, winkieface). Lotz of people like you. Maybe not me, but lotz of people do. It takez a Mr. Bigpants to pick a fight you couldn't finish and zhen run to hide vhen zee shit hit zee fan. Exzellent tacticz.... zweep zee leg Mr. Lawrence, zweep zee leg. 

That half-azzed apology out of the zide of chour face vhile ztill directly accuzing people of crimez zhey obviously didn't commit was clazzic. I couldn't have done it better myself. aHAHAHA.

LilyAnne: AGREED! I love how they passive aggressively rub our balls from that bitchole while we own our shit over here. I think we need another thread about Buffy and how her puppets of ass came and took a dump on our lawn again. First the living room, now the lawn! DAMNIT I'M FROTHING AGAIN! 

Forken: Um.... it's not really passive though, it's pretty direct aggression, actually. 

LilyAnne: FUCK OFF! How's that for direct agression? 

Forken: AGREED?