Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What about an HQ?

Private chat room exchange.....

TheTinyBuzzer: Now that we have a cool name, shitloads of meth, beer, and  sweet ass costumes, what about a lair?

Moneyshot: We don't need an HQ this is the Internet you STUPID ASS! We do need a charter though. Rules for all of the other Gimp Pimp Corps members to live by. Something like the armed forces manual meets the bible but with all of the crap about morals and ethics taken out and the bullshit knob cranked up a bit.

TheTinyBuzzer: So, our charter is to be crazy, ignorant, out of control shitheads? 

Moneyshot: Something like that.

Ruffled Feathers: This sounds like a hoot. I'm so in.