Posted on Isle of Misfit Posters.....

Forken: Same old shit. We're having a ball while random crazies come and go.
BMB: Dat drunken doorknob dryhumper Larry finally bailed out, at least in public. Anyone seen dat bitch Lester? I need to dikscuss some biznass with him and he's not answerin' my emails.

Forken: Probably in hiding. Maybe the FBI finally got him? Probably bought one too many Guy Fawkes masks.
BMB: Heh. He likes duh masks. Dis one time, back in the day, he got pissed drunk and went running around with a Roddy Piper mask rubbing his junk all over the furniture. Took 4 cops, 2 tazers and a beartrap to bring his dumb ass down. Dat waz duh shit.