Posted on Curb Feelers.....

Heirolip: Hey guys..... I know I should have posted this a long time ago. I've been sitting on it for months, but now that I'm in a position to do maximum damage, I'd like to violate someone's confidence.
One of our members, Antman, and I were talking in private messages on another program, not related to here at all..... and he told me he was so mad at Larry he would burn this place down. I'm wondering if he might have something to do with this? Here's the message....
"PhatSchlong1945: I'll burn that fucking place down. Fuck Larry and his asshole friends."
Forken: Why would something that happened months ago have any relevance on the here and now? And why have you been sitting on it for so long if you were so concerned you had to violate someone's confidence?
Heirolip: Oh Forken. Don't be mad at me. I'm not taking sides, even though by posting this I am skewing the debate unfavorably and unethically by introducing irrelevant facts that cannot be supported with evidence.
I struggled with this for a long time because I didn't know if I should post it at all. I just feel that everything should be out there in the open, especially when it derails the actual argument that's supported by all these facts and mountains of evidence.
I mean, it's much better to toss it under the rug and point the finger at someone we hate right? Rather than face the fact that several people whom we've placed our trust in have abused it and debased our community in such a fashion?
Forken: Umm... no?